"Monster Mash", like many of IMP's recent videos, was inspired by a dare from Bragster.com, the prankster social networking site. This was one of the first dares, however, that were addressed directly to Stickman, so I knew we had to make this one big.
The costumes were the trickiest part logistically; the dare demanded that the costumes not be half-way, but I've been too poor to invest a lot in any one video. But pre-Halloween sales, a borrowed Freddy Krueger mask, and the orangutan torso that I've owned for awhile, (oranger than the wolfman head and claws), helped keep the cost down, while letting us go full out with costumes. Besides, I can always use more costumes, so don't be surprised if these show up again!
It was also very hot for an October day. I had already made the decision to give Freddy Krueger a (thrift shop) t-shirt instead of a sweater. Nick decided to be the wolfman, but I warned him that he might not want the torso piece, because the head and gloves were warm enough. Still, he was determined to be as full-on as possible, and his costume looks great on video, orangutan body or not.
The dare also demanded that there be more than one of us in costume; what's a monster mash with just one monster? Since Nick and I usually do our dare days without assistance, it was critical that we get a separate camera operator. Greg is a guy who lost his job and home to the economic downturn, and has been staying in my spare room for a few months. Thankfully, he volunteered to shoot for us, shortly before this outing, so I took him up on it. Thankfully, people often didn't associate Greg with the monsters, because we were in high-density tourist areas, where cameras were common, and it was hardly surprising that someone would shoot our hijinks.
We were actually able to get (the back of) Greg into another video that day, a quick homage to French prankster great Remi Gaillard:
The edit doesn't show the actual progression of our day. We took the subway there and back, hanging out at different platforms and changing cars whenever the train stopped, so we could interact with new people. The drunken guy who wrestles with us, and the musical group (which I call "the Partridge Family") were all on the ride home.

The drunk guy was an opportunity for me, a chance to step up. On our last outing, Nick had to face the crazy Nazi homeless Ninja-groping Rockstar . Nick (as the Ninja) kept getting fondled, but kept going back in to face the Rockstar a little more. Thankfully, the drunk guy from the train didn't grope me at all, but he did pick me up a couple times, and crash me into sitting passengers. By the third time, I recognized his m.o., and quietly, peacefully overwhelmed him, so he couldn't lift me. Thankfully, those offended passengers got mad at the drunk guy, not at the monster he wielded!
We had the most amazing luck that day; total serendipity. We emerged from our subway train, literally minutes before another train, coming from the opposite direction, deposited its load of grisly zombies. It was a once-a-year flash mob Zombie Walk; what a coup for a "Monster Mash" video! Emerging from the subway station with 50 bloodied zombies was a great way to arrive at the party!

Hollywood and Highland is the tourist nexus of L.A. There's the walk of stars, the Chinese Theater, and of course, a great deal of costumed street performers. I chose the location for the tourists, but didn't realize how many movie monsters we would run into. How perfect; this, then was the party that they sing about in the "Monster Mash"!
Ironically, the costumed monsters were among the least playful participants we've ever had in our videos (except Gumby and the pirate who shot me!). They are all independent people, who make their entire living from tips, given by tourists who want to be photographed with a movie creature. So they assumed that we (as costumed monsters) were trying to horn in on their livelihood. In particular, the Freddy Krueger who was already there, and his friend the Joker were the most insistent that I was doing something wrong, by being Freddy. Ha! The only people who hassled us for wearing costumes, were the people who were already in costumes, themselves!
Of course, the Disney Store employee (who chased Nick out) wasn't too happy about us, either. LOL at his bad-ass statement: "if I catch you in there again, I'm gonna kick you out!" Kinda impotent threat, especially since Nick had already kicked himself out. The Disney Store was not welcome to monsters, but thankfully, Hooters was!
In the edit process, I always have to cut out a huge amount of our interactions, in order to keep the videos tight. But this one was extreme! So much wacky wonderfulness decorated the edit room floor! So here are a couple of extra moments from the day.
Here we engaged a group of dance street performers in a spontaneous monster dance battle (music added later):
And Freddy Krueger, giving some automotive advice to a bus driver with engine problems: